12 CIMC Lingyu Aluminum Liquid Tanker on Delivery to Hebei
Date:2013-09-27 Source:www.chinaspv.com
www.chinaspv.com: In the morning of Sep. 24th, a grand delivery ceremony of liquid tanker was held in the factory area of Luoyang CIMC Lingyu Automobile Co., Ltd. Some important leaders attended this ceremony, such as Hu Bolin, GM of CIMC Lingyu Marketing, Shi Liping, GM Assistant of CIMC Lingyu Liquid Tanker Dep. and GM Song and Mu of one logistics company of Hebei. Furthermore, over 40 people, the representatives of CIMC Lingyu departments of manufacturing, technology and sales, were present at the ceremony.

Tanker Delivery Ceremony
In the 10:00am of Sep. 24th, the tanker delivery ceremony was hosted by Chang Guoqiang, deputy director of CIMC Lingyu Marketing Commerce Dep.. Hu Bolin of CIMC Lingyu made a statement of warm welcome and current manufacturing condition of Lingyu following the ebullient opening. Hu Bolin stressed that liquid tanker was one of the three major special vehicles and improved continuously through reformed production line. Thus, capacity of liquid tanker semi-trailer got improved gradually. What’s more, this collaboration was the first cooperation of both companies which definitely can be a win-win cooperation. Then, GM Mu addressed and detailed the reason of choosing CIMC Lingyu, which was because of the quality product and brand influence. Before making the choice of Lingyu, they made a lot of investigations over lots of manufacturers. Finally, quality tanker material, stable performance, good appearance and high cost-performance of CIMC Lingyu liquid tanker semi-trailer got their attention. What followed this first cooperation would be consecutive orders of CIMC Lingyu liquid tankers.

Delivery of Symbolized Key
Eventually, GM Hu of CIMC Lingyu gave the golden key symbolizing the 12 liquid tankers to the customer. Chang Guoqiang, the Host of this ceremony, announced the delivery of 12 liquid tankers as the end of this ceremony. With happy music and colorful fireworks, CIMC Lingyu liquid tankers ran out of the factory.

CIMC Lingyu Liquid Tankers of Delivery Ceremony
Since 2013, CIMC Lingyu keeps getting orders of quality liquid tankers. With enhancing brand influence of CIMC Lingyu, its product gets approval of more and more customers.