Cummins Achieves Two Sustainable Development Goals
To combat the global warming, Cummins rolled out Seven Major Sustainable Development Goals. By the end of June this year, the engine maker announced that it has achieved two major goals: one is to reduce its daily consumption of water and the other is to cut its emissions of carbon dioxide.
In 2018, Cummins installed solar panels at its factory in Mexico, aiming to making full use of renewable energy for its manufacture. In the same year, it successfully 76 new engine products with higher environmental friendliness. Since 2014, it has participated in nearly 300 emission reduction programs, helping the company cut its carbon emissions by at least 3.5 million tons each year.
Compared with its daily water consumption in 2010, Cummins is aiming to cut that by half by 2020. Despite its constant expansion, the company’s water consumption in 2018 was 16% less than that in 2010, standing at 3.6 million KL. Also by 2020, Cummins is aiming to lower its energy consumption by 32% year on year. To achieve that goal, it made a total investment of 15 million USD in purchasing and installing more energy efficient photovoltaic panels in 2018 alone. By utilizing more renewable energy and improving its energy efficiency, Cummins has cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 37% this year compared with that in 2010.
In Indiana State, where Cummins is headquartered, the engine maker is participating in the construction of a wind power station. In addition, its recycling rate has reached 90% in two consecutive years. Moreover, Cummins has been cutting the use of packaging and increasing the reuse of packages. In logistics, Cummins has contracted new third-party logistic suppliers and thus has cut its carbon dioxide emissions by 10% for every kilogram of goods delivered.

“Despite our accomplishments in the reduction of water consumption and carbon emissions, we still have a long way to go in terms of sewage disposal, energy consumption, logistics, etc. and we are making every effort to achieve higher sustainability,” said Brian C. Mormino, Director of Cummins Environmental Strategy.
According to Cummins, the emissions (GHG) of its fossil fuel powered engines account for 99% of its total GHG emissions. In later half of 2019, Cummins is set to roll out its new round of sustainable development plans which will set measurable goals for the next decade.